Friday, June 7, 2013

Winter/Spring Quarter '13 in Photos

Winter quarter was when Jose, Marcos, Vanessa and I moved into what is now known to us as "haus". I gathered some photos that I took since moving in together and decided to put them in a blog post to share with the Internet! Yay.
I'm 99% sure this is from the first day we moved in.
Vanessa is missing because she was still in New York at the time.

I always thought this photo looked cool!
This was my little setup for a while. It's different now.
Our house!
I turned 21! Having dinner for my birthday.
One of very few photos in my phone from my 21st birthday party!
Our living room.
We tried Eureka for the first time!
We cooked together a few times, this was one of those times.

We went to a Japanther show together! One of the best shows I've been to.
This was my costume for the Halloween party we had in February.
This needs to happen again.
We randomly went to the Echoplex together and also saw The Lovely Bad Things.
My grandmother passed away during this time.
It was the first time I experienced losing someone close to me that I cared about.
This photo is from that night. I miss her a lot.
We tried more BURGERS! This one is from Rounds.
It reminded me of a Krabby Patty.
Vanessa and Jose. I just really like this photo.
We met some new people!
Went to some job interviews together.
Became bigger fans of beer and cheap wine.
Went to some parties together. This was beforehand.
Got the cutest kitty! Beyonce.
Walked around school on a day off, just because.
Had sushi and beer with good friends.
I finally checked out the arcade next to Mt. Sac!
Vanessa and I hiked Mt. Baldy. 
More beer!
Checked out Rhonda with Paul and Vanessa.
Another roommate dinner. :)
I met the cutest REAL owl!
Complimentary photo of the roommates and I.
I did the hardest hike in Palos Verdes, which apparently isn't even that hard! 
This is a photo of my laptop today.

You are now semi-updated with my life.